Inspecting the Jamaica Party Scene- The type of people who attend these events.

HELLO friends, fans and family. I usually highlight the positive, but this week I'm giving a shout out to all the insecure people that still find it a necessary part of their job description to belittle others to make themselves feel better.

As sorry as I am for the persons who they take pleasure in tormenting, I feel even more pity for the chastiser. Oh well, if that's what makes you happy... as you were. I went to a party the other night. As usual I travel alone, find a corner and do dances that only I know the choreography to.

From my stance I observed the mood of the party. There was an eclectic mix of 'partiers' and the vibe was great. To my left, a nice grouping of very pretty ladies stood, some men further along the walkway were checking them out and near the designated dance floor another group of regular people partying without a care. On my way to the well-appointed bar to get some refreshment, I overheard the conversation (okay so I was eavesdropping) taking place among the pretty girl group. Now that I'm looking back at the whole scenario, they really weren't so 'pretty' after all. Anyhow, several members of that group who should have been so caught up in the ambience and revellery were making fun of members of the regular grouping who were too oblivious to even care. They were jeeringly commenting on the attire and dance movements of the people who, as far as I was concerned, were turning up the heat in the session. At first, I assumed it was personal, since why else would someone not like another just because of how they looked? Didn't they hear the hit song Wear Wha Yuh Have being played? Then I realised they were just insecure and unhappy with themselves so they sought to transfer that self-hate to another innocent body. I got justice later on in the party when the men, who they thought were all into them, went over to party with the regular girls and they ended up leaving the party the way they came, single, miserable and not even a drop of sweat to prove that they had been out.

Personally, I believe one should only go out if you have decided to yourself in the corridors of your mind to have a good time. It is almost criminal to waste cologne and a precious 'water is life' bath just for the sake of turning up and keeping up appearances. I have conducted the necessary research on the types of people that party, on your behalf, and it didn't cost the country a dime. I will now present these findings to you.

The first group of partygoers to be highlighted is the 'Fun People': They don't need an introduction or an invite to any soiree, walk-by or drive-by, they will just jump right into the party. Everybody knows them and the party can't start until they get there. I myself am an esteemed member of this elite group. Even at a nine night you can see me a enjoy meself to the fullest. Fun people will get a party going with a radio station on high blast, even dancing along with the commercials. You have to sweep us out like bottle when the party is over, because we are not leaving until the final drop of excitement is squeezed from the festivities.

Then you have the willing, who can be best described as 'Closet Fun People' — they usually need a push start. They are usually reluctant at first, unaccustomed to unwanted attention, but if the right vibe is there, they will catch it. They usually have to travel in packs to have somebody to blame for their bad behaviour at the end of the night.

The final set, and I hope none of my readers fall into this category, is the people who come just to make others miserable — 'The Paper'. They find fault with everything and everyone for the entire night and go home thinking the party was lame. Thankfully they usually leave the party early allowing groups 1 and 2 to fully engage without further interference. They wouldn't know fun if you slapped them in the face with it. Sadly they are a necessary part of the party scene, and like all other dumb creatures deserve our love. So party on dudes, just try and lighten up. Have a great weekend and remember to love yourself or nobody else can

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