West Kingston residents get recreation trip.

More than 400 residents of western Kingston will journey to western Jamaica starting this Wednesday for fun, therapy and relaxation following the May 24 incursion by members of the security forces.

The national security ministry says the trip is being sponsored and organised under a joint public/private sector partnership.

The security forces met significant resistance by criminal elements on May 24 when they tried to enter west Kingston to execute an arrest warrant on alleged crime lord Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke. At the end of the incursion 73 civilians and one soldier was killed.

The national security ministry says residents will go on the recreational trips in two groups.

On both visits, the Citizen Support and Justice Programme, a crime prevention initiative of the ministry will sponsor overnight stays at the Holiday Inn SunSpree Resort in Montego Bay.

Programme Manager, Simeon Robinson says the trips will provide an opportunity to show the care and concern of government and private sector.

He also says it will allow for rapid assessments and counselling for residents deemed to be most impacted by the recent security operations in Western Kingston.


  1. This is absolutely waste of resources: What are the objectives? These politicians are always looking for quick fix. A weekend of R&R is going to heal the trauma suffered by these people. A few days of counselling will let the people forget what happen.

    Wheel and come again, you brain dead politicians.

  2. What does a trip mean when most of these people don't even know where the next meal is coming from. So the government and private sector are willing to pay in excess of a hundred US per person/per night to show the care and concern of the public and private sector. Well how about building up the community or providing jobs. I am sure these people would like to see long term solutions that will help them to provide for their families long term more than a 2 day at a all inclusive resort. Talk about CLUELESS.


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